03 December 2019
Lives that glow in the darkness

During 2020 our focus will be equipping volunteer team leaders and Jos staff to step out as salt and light in their communities.

All 13 Jos headquarters staff members attended the annual development and retreat from 8-10 October. The three days began with reports and evaluations from each team – ministry, operations and finance, along with identifying strengths and areas to develop.

Then they looked forward into 2020, agreeing targets for school visits, church visits, HIV/ AIDS testing, new volunteer and refresher training and advocacy visits.

“This year there was less contention,” said international coordinator Tassie Ghata. “It was noticeable that we have grown together since our last retreat. People were willing to listen to and understand each other, and reach consensus about our goals.”

In the run-up to Tassie announcing Grace & Light’s theme for 2020, everyone watched a Christian movie about being salt and light in the world.

The main character, a car salesman, initially made money by cheating his customers. Once he heard the gospel and committed his life to Christ he changed his behaviours.

“It was good for us to see that being salt and light is not easy, but it is possible,” said Tassie.

She then introduced our 2020 theme – light rising in the darkness – from Isaiah 58:10:

If you get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, quit gossiping about other people’s sins
If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out
Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight. (The Message)

During 2020 Tassie and the headquarters team will be organising a development meeting in Jos to recognise and encourage the leaders of each of our volunteer teams.

Please pray for time, energy and funds as the team organise this meeting, and that each of the volunteer team leaders will be able to attend and will be inspired to inspire their own team members.

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