23 July 2024
Repentance and New Life with Christ

Increasing numbers of people are choosing to be tested for HIV/AIDS  in the churches we visit each Sunday, a change on previous years.

Within Nigeria there is a belief the disease only affects older people, is from the past, and that younger people will not become infected.

Through our preaching congregations are learning that the disease can still be passed on through sexual activity and blood transfusions. They choose to be tested to double check their own health. Before they can be tested they receive counselling to prepare themselves for the results.

During counselling many people open up and share the traumas in their lives. International coordinator Tassie Ghata remembers one 28 year old woman who was into voodoo. She publicly gave her life to Christ, revealed her fetish charms and agreed they could be destroyed.

“She was a regular member of her congregation and hid her occult side. We see right across denominations many regular attendees who have no relationship with Christ.”

In another church, a 26 year old woman, who was raped as a 13 year old, pretended to be a Christian and struggled with life. Since 13 she had punished herself by sleeping with many men and had abortions.

“Her parents were so happy when she gave her life to Christ as they couldn’t figure out what was going on,” said Tassie.

We are pleased the Gombe team is active again with new members following volunteer training in January; while the Jalingo team is consistently visiting multiple churches each month.

Five volunteer teams were active between April and June, visiting 23 churches in total, sharing the gospel of righteousness with 5,227 people and testing 808 for HIV/AIDS. Of those who tested, three were positive.

The majority (94%) chose to be open about their status and join voluntary savings and accountability groups. Significant numbers rededicated their lives to Christ (1,498 people) or made a first commitment (129 people).

The active teams during January to March were Gombe, Hong, Jalingo, Jos, Obudu and Yola.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

  • Safety for members of the Gombe and Jalingo volunteer teams as they visit churches on Sundays
  • People who rededicate their lives to Christ, or make first commitments, that they will grow in their relationships with God, seek his face and do his will.
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