23 July 2024
Teachers Provide Christian Care for Students

Another groups of secondary school teachers are able to provide pastoral care to students following a second teacher’s seminar in the past 12 months.

Thirty teachers from 15 secondary schools in Jos attended our one day seminar on 17 May at our headquarters campus.

They explored the role of a Christian teacher in the lives of their students, child protection issues, child sexuality and social righteousness.

“We encouraged the teachers to acknowledge common corrupt practices in schools such as sleeping with students, bullying and cheating in exams,” said international coordinator Tassie Ghata.

Participating teachers promised to be vigilant to their students physical and psychological needs, and to provide support while ensuring they themselves remain objective and do not become emotionally involved.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

  • Teachers who are trained in pastoral care will support pupils appropriately
  • Students will be willing to ask for help and receive the support they need.

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