23 July 2024
Support Grows in France and the UK

Many new supporters in France and Britain heard about Grace & Light’s impact in Nigeria during our international coordinator’s visits this spring.

International coordinator Tassie Ghata spent a month in France and the United Kingdom during May and June, meeting supporters and raising new friends for Grace & Light.

Her tour started in Strasbourg with meeting people from a number of churches in the city, many of whom have become Grace & Light supporters. Tassie then visited church communities in villages around Strasbourg, speaking in church meetings, Sunday services and private homes.

“This was my first visit to France. It was good to meet our French trustees in person and spend time with them, as well as growing support for Grace & Light in France;” Tassie said.

In the UK Tassie spoke at churches in London, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Holme on Spalding Moor and meeting supporters in Steyning and Worthing. At each church she met many new people who have become Grace & Light supporters.

Tassie also joined the southern England fundraising walk between Holmwood and Gomshall in early June.

“This time I visited many new churches we haven’t been to before, as well as congregations that have been long time supporters of Grace & Light,” Tassie said. “I started coming to the UK nineteen years ago and enjoy meeting people each time I visit.”

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

  • New French and British supporters, that they will continue to pray for our work and give generously
  • French and British trustees will be invited to speak to Christian groups and in churches about our work in Nigeria.
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