23 July 2024
Your Invite to Join Our Fundraising Walk in North Yorkshire

Leyburn Shawl circular walk in beautiful Yorkshire countryside on Saturday, 17 August – do join Mark and Isabelle Hopkins if you are able.

Our six mile (9.3km) route is a gentle walk along the limestone escarpment of Leyburn Shawl before returning via Wensley Park, Wensley Falls and Leyburn Old Glebe Nature Reserve. The route is suitable for all skill levels and great for any fitness level.

We begin in Leyburn and follow the signs for The Shawl, arriving on its eastern edge within a few minutes. The Shawl stretches almost two miles and has views over Wensleydale.

We will walk its length then descend across grassy fields to Wensley Park and the delightful Wensley Falls, which is easily accessible.

After lunch in Wensley, we walk back across fields to Leyburn, passing across Leyburn Old Glebe Nature Reserve, with afternoon tea to follow in one of Leyburn’s tea rooms.

Replacement Bus for Ministry

We are fundraising for a replacement mini bus for our Jos volunteer teams. Our Jos mini bus is at the end of its life, continually breaks down and is no longer safe for transporting our volunteer teams to churches and schools for ministry.

Most of our volunteers don’t have their own transport and rely on us to transport them to distant village churches each Sunday.

Without our bus we would not be able to minister to these congregations and share our message of social righteousness with them – talking about work and corruption, poverty and wealth, sexual and gender-based violence, and righteous politics.

Without the bus our ministry would cost much more, even in traveling to easy-to-reach churches within Jos.

With a new vehicle, volunteers will continue to have safe and reliable transport to and from churches each Sunday. Plus their journeys will be quicker as they will drive directly to the church they are visiting, rather than having to wait for the remaining safe bus to drop off team members visiting a different church.

Twice as many church congregations will receive visits from our Jos volunteer team and hear the gospel message of social righteousness for all areas of their lives. More people will be counselled and tested for HIV/AIDS, know their status and be able to change their lifestyles if they are positive.

If you are able to join us please let Mark Hopkins know via email marktehopkins@gmail.com

If you would like to sponsor one of our walkers you can do so at https://www.justgiving.com/page/mark-hopkins-1721029424051 

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

  • Good weather for the walk, not too hot, cold, wet or windy
  • Good conversations among the walkers and strengthened friendships
  • Generous sponsors so we are able to buy a replacement mini bus.
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