12 February 2025
Students Becoming Serious About Their Studies

Volunteer teams in Jos and Yola are being invited back into secondary schools by teachers impressed with changes they are seeing in their students.

They say girls and boys are arriving at school on time, they are respecting rather than bullying each other and their teachers, studying hard rather than stealing answers and no longer lying.

“When we return we can also see the difference the teachers see,” said international coordinator Tassie Ghata. “Their clothes are clean and they are caring about their appearance. They tell us about how they have changed at home, they’ve remembered our words and taken them into hearts and lives.”

In some of the schools members have dissolved their gangs and are now talking to members of rival gangs.

“This makes our volunteer teams feel so good that they are on the right track in sharing the gospel in schools and showing the consequences of cheating.”

Volunteers have also visited two tertiary colleges in Jos to share the same message and challenge students to return to moral behaviours.

One of the HIV positive students, who was ill, did not know his parents were giving him antiretroviral drugs so had stopped taking them. Now he knows he is positive he is taking care of himself.

Between July and December the Jos and Yola teams visited eight secondary schools, sharing the gospel of social righteousness with 4,121 students and testing 616 for HIV/AIDS. Seven students were positive.

In total, 729 students rededicated their lives to God and another 100 made first commitments to him.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

  • Teachers to continually encourage students to maintain their new morality and relationships with God
  • Students to remember the message they heard, see the change in their own and their friends lives and remain faithful to God
  • HIV positive students will continue to have access to antiretroviral drugs despite USAid withdrawing funding for Africa
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