Church visits during December and January
Grace & Light volunteers visited seven churches in Nigeria during December and January, sharing the gospel and testing 639 people of whom just two were HIV/AIDS positive.
Of these 592 (93%) chose to become Grace & Light members and joined life-sharing groups. Forty-five became Christians and 62 rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ.
The volunteer team from Mangu visited three churches, the Yola team visited two churches, while the Gombe and Bassa teams each visited a church.
Highlight for international coordinator Tassie Ghata is that the numbers of people testing positive for HIV/AIDS are continuing to fall, indicating Grace & Light’s message - to live lives that honour God - is effective within churches and people are changing their lifestyles.
Churches visited were COCIN Dejwak, COCIN Hiktup, Kauna Baptist Church, LCCN Njoboliyo, COCIN Nanange, ECWA Tunkure and Maranatar Evangelical Mission.