15 April 2019
Teachers commit to being Christian examples to their students

Teachers rediscover a passion for guiding students and being Christian role models at their secondary schools during a Grace & Light teachers’ conference.

Twenty-four teachers from nine Jos secondary schools spent a day at our headquarters discussing responses to corruption in education. They shared issues they and their students face including bullying, intimidation, sexual exploitation, cheating, lying and stealing.

They also looked at trauma healing for students, understanding what teenagers go through and how to respond in a caring and supportive way; plus sexual and gender-based violence issues from the perspective of students.




“Many admitted they were in their roles for the salary and not because they have a passion for teaching or helping young people progress in life,” said Tassie. “We looked at their profession from God’s perspective, explaining how much he loves children and wants them to blossom. 

“We helped the teachers see that they are where God wants them to be; that he has called them to be teachers. He can give them a passion for their roles and the impact they can make in young peoples’ lives.”

Each of the teachers recommitted their lives to Christ; and rededicated themselves to caring for their students. They want to be Christian examples in their schools and to treat pupils and other teachers differently. 

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